The Sales Orders Data Model standardises information related to sales orders across various accounting platforms, making it simpler to manage and access relevant data.

  • Unified sales order properties: The model consolidates essential sales order information, such as contact ID, document number, dates, description, payment mode, and currency-related data.
  • Financial calculations: The model includes properties for total discount, tax amount, sub-total, and total amount, facilitating accurate financial reporting and analysis.
  • Invoice associations: The invoices property links sales orders to their corresponding invoices, enabling seamless navigation and cross-referencing between the two data models.


Properties Supported

platform_idstringPlatform’s ID for the sales order
contact_idstringThe accounting platform’s unique ID of the contact associated with this sales order
document_numberstringReference number for the sales order
posted_datestringDate of creation of the sales order
delivery_datestringThe delivery date for the sales order
descriptionstringDescription of the sales order
payment_modestringThe payment mode from which the payment was made
currencystringThe ISO-4217 currency code
currency_ratefloatRate between the currency of the payment and the base currency
statusenumThe status of the sales order. Values are: DRAFT, SUBMITTED, PARTIALLY_PAID, PAID, OVERDUE, VOID, UNKNOWN
total_discountfloatTotal value of discounts applied to the sales order
tax_amountfloatTotal tax amount levied on the sales order
sub_totalfloatTotal pre tax value of the sales order
total_amountfloatTotal value of the sales order
line_itemsLine ItemArray of Sales Order Line items associated with the purchase order
invoicesInvoiceArray of invoices associated with the sales order
addressesAddressArray of addresses associated with this sales order
contactContactThe contact associated with this sales order