An Account is a record in an accounting system that tracks the financial activities of a specific asset, liability, equity, revenue, or expense. These records increase and decrease as transactions occur throughout the accounting period. The aggregation of each Account object is often referred to as the Chart of Accounts.

  • Unified account properties: The model unifies essential account details, such as name, description, currency, and current balance, making it easier to work with account data from different platforms.
  • Hierarchical structure: Accounts can be linked to parent accounts using the parent_account_id, enabling the representation of complex account structures and relationships.
  • Categorisation and status: The model supports account categorisation with main categories(asset, liability, equity, revenue, or expense) and subcategories, as well as tracking account status for better organisation and reporting.

Properties Supported

platform_idstringThe Platform’s ID to identify this account
currency_idstringThe platform’s ID of the currency for the account
namestringThe name of the account
descriptionstringDescription of the account
nominal_codestringReference given to each account for a business. It ensures money is allocated to the correct account.
current_balancefloatCurrent balance of the account
statusenumThe status of the account. Values are: ACTIVE, ARCHIVED, UNKNOWN
categoryenumThe category of the account. Values are: ASSET, EXPENSE, LIABILITY, EQUITY, INCOME, UNKNOWN
sub_categorystringThe sub category of the account
parent_account_idstringThe platform ID of the parent account
updated_atdateThe date at which the information was updated on the accounting platform

Expandable Attributes

You can expand the following attributes to get the related data

PropertyData ModelDescription
currencyCurrenciesThe currency of the account
parent_accountAccountsThe parent account of the account