The Bank Accounts Data Model streamlines access of bank account information across various accounting platforms, providing a consistent and unified representation of bank account data.

  • Unified bank account properties: The model consolidates essential bank account details such as institution name, account name, balance, and currency, simplifying interactions with bank account data from different platforms.
  • Currency support: The model includes the ISO-4217 currency code for each bank account, enabling seamless handling of international transactions and reporting.

Properties Supported

platform_idstringThe Platform’s ID for the bank account
currency_idstringThe Platform’s ID of the currency for the bank account
institution_namestringThe name of the bank account
account_namestringName of the bank account
account_numberstringThe bank account number
balancefloatBalance of the bank account
updated_atdateThe date at which the information was updated on the accounting platform

Expandable Attributes

You can expand the following attributes to get the related data

PropertyData ModelDescription
currencyCurrenciesThe currency of the bank account