The Invoice Data Model simplifies the handling and retrieval of invoices from different payment gateways. The model provides a unified representation of invoices, enabling you to easily access and manage invoice data from different platforms.

  • Unified invoice properties: The model provides a unified representation of invoices, enabling you to easily access and manage invoice data from different platforms.
  • Comprehensive invoices information: The model provides a comprehensive representation of invoices, enabling you to easily access and manage invoice data from different platforms.

Properties Supported

platform_idstringThe Platform’s ID for the invoice
contact_idstringThe contact id of the invoice
currency_idstringThe currency id of the invoice
document_numberstringThe document number of the invoice
posted_datestringThe posted date of the invoice
due_datestringThe due date of the invoice
statusstringThe status of the invoice
total_discountnumberThe total discount of the invoice
sub_totalnumberThe sub total of the invoice
tax_amountnumberThe tax amount of the invoice
total_amountnumberThe total amount of the invoice
amount_duenumberThe amount due of the invoice
line_itemsobject[]The line items of the invoice