The Payment Link Data Model simplifies the handling and retrieval of Payment Link data for your application. The model provides a unified representation of payment link data across different platforms, enabling you to easily access and manage payment link data from different platforms.

  • Unified Payment Link properties: The model provides a unified representation of payment link properties across different platforms, enabling you to easily access and manage payment links data from different platforms.
  • Comprehensive payment links information: The model provides a comprehensive representation of payment link data, including all the properties and relationships that you can retrieve for an order.

Properties Supported

platform_idstringThe Platform’s ID for the Payment Link
descriptionstringThe description of the Payment Link
created_atstringThe date the Payment Link was created
updated_atstringThe date the Payment Link was updated
amountstringThe amount of the Payment Link
currency_idstringThe currency of the Payment Link
linkstringThe link of the Payment Link
statusstringThe status of the Payment Link. Allowed values are ACTIVE, INACTIVE
line_itemsobject[]The line items of the Payment Link