The Contacts Data Model simplifies the handling and retrieval of contact-related information across various accounting platforms.

  • Unified contact properties: The model unifies essential contact details, such as name, contact person, currency, and tax number, enabling easier access and management of contact data from different platforms.
  • Comprehensive contact information: Contacts can include associated data like contact persons, phone numbers, addresses and external links for a more detailed representation of each contact.
  • Status tracking: The model supports tracking the status of each contact, with values like ACTIVE, ARCHIVED, and UNKNOWN, facilitating better organisation and reporting.

Properties Supported

platform_idstringThe Platform’s ID for the contact
namestringName of the customer on the accounting platform
contact_namestringName of the primary contact person for the contact
contact_typeenumThe type of customer. Value are: CUSTOMER, VENDOR
currencystringThe ISO-4217 currency code
tax_numberstringContact’s tax number
registration_numberstringContact’s identifying number
statusenumThe status of the customer. Values are: ACTIVE, ARCHIVED, UNKNOWN
bank_accountobjectBank Account associated with this contact
updated_atdateThe date at which the information was updated on the accounting platform

Expandable Attributes

You can expand the following attributes to get the related data

PropertyData ModelDescription
currencyCurrenciesThe default currency for this contact
phone_numbersPhone NumbersThe phone numbers associated with this contact
addressesAddressesThe addresses associated with this contact
external_linksExternal LinksThe external links associated with this contact
contact_personsContact PersonsThe contact persons associated with this contact
invoicesInvoicesThe invoices that belong to this contact
billsBillsThe bills that belong to this contact
purchase_ordersPurchase OrdersThe purchase orders that belong to this contact
bank_transactionsBank TransactionsThe bank transactions that belong to this contact
sales_ordersSales OrdersThe sales orders that belong to this contact
invoice_paymentsInvoice PaymentsThe invoice payments that belong to this contact
bill_paymentsBill PaymentsThe bill payments that belong to this contact
expensesExpensesThe expenses that belong to this contact

Phone Numbers

platform_idstringThe Platform's ID for the phone number
data_modelstringThe data model to which this number is linked. Values are: COMPANY_INFO, CONTACTS
data_model_idstringThe unique identifier for the data model associated with this number
numberstringThe number of the contact person.
typeenumThe type of the number. Values are: MOBILE, TELEPHONE, FAX.
updated_atdateThe date and time at which the number information was last updated in the accounting platform


platform_idstringPlatform's ID for the address
typeenumThe type of address. Values are: BILLING, SHIPPING.
data_model_idstringThe unique identifier for the data model associated with this address
streetstringThe street information of the address
localitystringThe locality or neighborhood information of the address
citystringThe city information of the address
statestringThe state or region information of the address
countrystringThe country information of the address
pincodestringThe postal or zip code of the address
updated_atdateThe date and time at which the address information was last updated in the accounting platform
platform_idstringThe Platform's ID for the external link
data_modelstringThe data model to which this link is related. Values are: COMPANY_INFO, CONTACTS
data_model_idstringThe unique identifier for the data model associated with this link
linkstringThe URL or email data.
typeenumThe type of link. Values are: WEBSITE, EMAIL.
updated_atdateThe date and time at which the link information was last updated in the accounting platform