The Goods Receipt Notes Data Model is designed to standardise and simplify the handling of goods receipt notes related information across different accounting platforms.

  • Unified goods receipt note properties: The model consolidates essential goods receipt note details, such as delivery date, currency, status, and total amounts, making it easier to manage invoice data from various platforms.
  • Linked entities: Goods Receipt Notes can be associated with customers, line items, and purchase orders, providing a complete view of the invoicing process and related transactions.
  • Flexible status tracking: The model supports a range of goods receipt note statuses, such as draft, submitted, partially paid, and overdue, for better organisation and reporting.

Properties Supported

platform_idstringThe Platform’s ID for the goods receipt note.
platform_unique_idstringThe unique ID generated by the platform for the goods receipt note.
descriptionstringA brief description of the goods receipt note.
sub_totalnumberThe total amount before applying discounts and taxes.
total_amountnumberThe total amount after applying discounts and taxes.
total_discountnumberThe total discount amount applied to the goods receipt note.
tax_amountnumberThe total tax amount applied to the goods receipt note.
updated_atstringThe date and time when the goods receipt note was last updated.
payment_modestringThe payment mode used for the goods receipt note.
delivery_datestringThe date when the goods were delivered to the customer.
purchase_order_idsarrayThe IDs of the purchase orders associated with the goods receipt note.
currency_idstringThe ID of the currency used for the goods receipt note.
currency_ratenumberThe exchange rate between the platform’s default currency and the currency used for the goods receipt note.
document_numberstringThe document number of the goods receipt note.
posted_datestringThe date when the goods receipt note was posted.
statusstringThe status of the goods receipt note. Possible values are DRAFT, SUBMITTED, PARTIALLY_PAID, PAID, and OVERDUE.
contact_idstringThe ID of the contact associated with the goods receipt note.

Expandable Attributes

You can expand the following attributes to get the related data

PropertyData ModelDescription
contactContactsThe contact that made the invoice
currencyCurrenciesThe currency of the invoice
line_itemsLine ItemThe line items associated with the invoice

Line Items

platform_idstringPlatform ID associated with this line item
item_idstringThe platform ID of the item associated with this line item
tax_idstringThe platform ID of the tax associated with this line item
account_idstringThe platform ID of the account associated with this line item
line_item_type_idstringThe platform ID of the associated data model
descriptionstringThe description for this line item
quantityfloatThe quantity of the product/service for this line item
unit_amountfloatPrice per unit for this line item
sub_totalfloatThe pre tax total value for this line item
tax_amountfloatThe tax amount for this line item
total_amountfloatThe total value of this line item
tracking_category_idsobjectThe tracking category Ids associated with this line item

Line Items Expandable Attributes

You can expand the following attributes to get the related line item data

PropertyData ModelDescription
itemItemsThe item associated with this line item
tax_rateTax RatesThe tax associated with this line item
accountAccountsThe account associated to the invoice