In order to get started using your own credentials for our Salesforce integration, you will need to first register your Salesforce application. After that, you will need to enter your Client ID and Client Secret on the RootFi dashboard.

These steps are elaborated upon in detail below.

Part 1: Register your Salesforce application

  1. Go to and sign in to your Salesforce account.
  2. Click on the gear icon in the top right corner of the page and select ‘Open Advanced Setup’.
  3. Navigate to “PLATFORM TOOLS” >> “Apps” >> “App manager”. Click on the ‘New Connected App’ button on the top right corner of the page.
  4. You would be redirected to a page where you need to fill in the details of your application.
  5. Fill in the basic information for your application:
  6. Enable OAuth settings by scrolling down to the ‘API (Enable OAuth Settings)’ section and checking the box.
    • Keep ’ROOTFI CALLBACK URL’ as the Callback URL.
    • Select the OAuth scopes you need. For RootFi, you need to select the following scopes:
      • Manage user data via APIs (api)
      • Perform requests at any time (refresh_token, offline access)
      • Access unique user identifiers (openid)
    • Incase you need full access to all the data, you can select the ‘Full access (full)’ scope.
    • Click on the ‘Add’ button to add the selected scopes.
  7. Disable Require Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) Extension for Supported Authorization Flows: This option is enabled by default. You need to disable it.
  8. Disable Require Secret for Refresh Token Flow: This option is enabled by default. You need to disable it.
  9. Enable Introspect All Tokens: This option is disabled by default. You need to enable it.
  10. Click on the ‘Save’ button which will save the changes and redirect you to the application details page. It can take upto 10 minutes for the changes to reflect.
  11. On the App Manager page, click on the app you just created. You will be redirected to the app details page.
  12. On the app details page, you will find the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret which you will need to enter on the RootFi dashboard.

Part 2: Enter Your Client ID and Client Secret on the RootFi Dashboard

  1. Login to the RootFi dashboard
  2. Select the ‘Integrations’ tab on the sidebar - here you will see a list of platforms you can integrate with
  3. Click the ‘Set Up’ button which is present on the Salesforce card.
  4. When the form opens up simply enter the ‘Client ID’ and ‘Client Secret’ which you generated on the Salesforce App Manager and click ‘Save’