The Journal Entries Data Model simplifies the management and retrieval of journal entry information across various accounting platforms.

  • Unified journal entry properties: The model unifies essential journal entry details, such as account ID, amount, currency, description, and posted date, making it easier to work with journal entry data from different platforms.
  • Journal entry lines: The journal_lines property includes an array of related journal lines, providing a comprehensive view of the journal entry’s constituent transactions.

Properties Supported

platform_idstringThe Platform’s ID for this journal entry
account_idstringThe accounting platform’s unique ID for the account associated with the journal entry
amountfloatThe total amount of the journal entry
currency_idstringThe Platform’s ID of the currency for the journal entry
currency_ratefloatRate between the currency of the payment and the base currency
document_numberstringReference number for the journal entry
journal_entry_typestringType of the journal entry
descriptionstringDescription of the journal entry
posted_datedateDate of the journal entry
updated_atdateThe date at which the information was updated on the accounting platform

Expandable Attributes

You can expand the following attributes to get the related data

PropertyData ModelDescription
journal_linesJournal LinesAn array of Journal Lines
currencyCurrenciesThe currency of the journal entry
accountAccountsThe account associated to the journal entry

Journal Lines

The Journal Lines Data Model complements the Journal Entries Data Model, focusing on individual transactions within a journal entry.

  • Unified journal line properties: The model unifies essential journal line details, such as type, description, net amount, and tax amount, making it easier to work with journal line data from different platforms.
  • Hierarchical relationship with journal entries: Journal lines are associated with specific journal entries through the journal_entry_id property, enabling a clear understanding of their context within the broader financial record.
  • Relationship with other data models: Journal lines are connected to accounts, customers, and taxes using their respective platform_id properties, ensuring data consistency and accuracy across different accounting platforms.

Properties Supported

platform_idstringThe Platform’s ID for this journal entry
journal_entry_idstringThe platform ID for the journal entry associated with this journal line
account_idstringThe platform ID for the account associated with this journal line
contact_idstringThe platform ID for the customer associated with this journal line
tax_idstringThe platform ID for the tax associated with this journal line
typeenumType of the journal line item. Values are: DEBIT, CREDIT
descriptionstringDescription of the journal line
net_amountfloatThe total amount of this journal line
tax_amountfloatThe total tax amount of this journal line
tracking_category_idsobjectAn array of tracking category IDs associated with this journal line

Expandable Attributes

You can expand the following attributes to get the related data

PropertyData ModelDescription
accountAccountsThe account associated to the journal line
tax_rateTax RatesThe tax rate associated with the journal line
contactContactsThe contact associated with the journal line